Urban planners around the world have started to look for ways that cities can create more space for pedestrians and lower CO2 emissions from diesel. At the present time some downtown areas around the world don’t have cars. These car-free zones are areas for people, bicycles and public transport only. 
Eight million people live in the center of London and another two million people go to work there every day. The downtown area is very noisy with hundreds of cars, buses and taxis, but there are also a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At lunch-time and after work, many people go there for a break
Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people– but no cars! These modern car-free zones are very popular and people like shopping there. 
In the past, Bogota was polluted because there were lots of cars and traffic. Now the downtown ares is a carfree zone and the air is clean! Many people don’t have a car and half a million people take the bus to work. 
In many cities, people don’t like to shop downtown; but in Melbourne, Bourke street is popular because there are lots of great stores and no cars, It’s expensive, but lots of people eat lunch in the small cafés. 
What is the main idea of the passage? 
A) All city centers around the world have areas free from cars. 
B) Some cities around the world are fighting against pollution. 
C) The city center in Melbourne is a good place to go shopping. 
D) Now London downtown is a very quiet place free from cars. 
What is the main idea of the passage? (¿Cuál es la idea principal del texto?) 
Respuesta: Some cities around the world are fighting against pollution. 
La idea principal del texto es que algunas ciudades alrededor del mundo están luchando contra la contaminación que los vehículos particulares emiten por el dióxido de carbono de los motores. De ahí que la opción B es la respuesta correcta. 
Rpta.: "B" 
In the passage, what does the word BREAK mean? 
A) Rest 
B) Crash 
C) Enjoy 
D) Stop 
 In the passage, what does the word BREAK mean? (en el texto, ¿qué significa la palabra BREAK?) 
Respuesta: de acuerdo a la lectura la palabra BREAK se refiere a un receso de alguna actividad que se viene realizando. para descansar, relajarse, etc. 
En inglés=to rest=cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself or to take time off. De ahí que la opción correcta es Rest. 
Rpta.: "A" 
According to the author, which of the following sentences is false? 
A) Tokyo is a good place to go shopping. 
B) Melbourne is a bad place for shopping. 
C) The smog of cars causes pollution. 
D) London downtown is a very noisy place. 
According to the author, which of the following sentences is false? (Según el autor, ¿cuál de las siguientes oraciones es falsa?) 
Respuesta: Melbourne is a bad place for shopping.(Melbourne es un mal lugar para ir de compras). 
Según el autor la calle Bourke en Melbourne es muy popular porque tiene muchísimas tiendas excelentes para ir de compras. Por lo tanto, esta oración es falsa. 
Rpta.: "B" 
What can be implied from the passage? 
A) Car-free zones are necessary places to shop. 
B) The whole city of Tokyo is free from cars. 
C) The city of Bogota is not polluted anymore. 
D) Car-free zones contribute to reduce pollution. 
What can be implied from the passage? (¿qué podemos deducir de la lectura?) 
Respuesta: Car-free zones contribute to reduce pollution. (las zonas libres de vehículos particulares contribuyen a reducir la contaminación). Por eso la respuesta correcta es la opción D. 
Rpta.: "D" 
What can we do to reduce the pollution of cities? 
A) We need to sell our cars and bicycles. 
B) We should prefer public transportation. 
C) We must buy more gasoline cars. 
D) We should take only cars to go to work. 
What can we do to reduce the pollution of cities? (¿Qué podemos hacer para reducir la contaminación de las ciudades?) Respuesta: We should prefer public transportation. (deberiamos preferir utilizar el transporte público). Según los casos presentados en el texto, una manera de reducir la contaminación en las ciudades es limitar el uso de vehículos particulares y usar solamente el transporte público. 
Rpta.: "B" 

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